Losing Dad at Christmas

Hi all,

I’m new here. Just thought I’d pop in to see if this may help. I lost my dad in December 9th after a short battle with cancer. My dad was the rock of our family and I am utterly lost without him. He was out anchor and the pain is unreal at times. I have two young children to keep me busy but don’t have the time to properly process what’s happened. Dad was mums carer so we now have to
Take care of mum which I’m happy to do but I’m not sure that between me and my sister and mums carers we can
Meet her needs long term. Mum is really struggling and cry’s most of the time. I know this is to be expected but I feel like the emotional torment is doubled…… the saying “rats leaving a sinking ship” comes to mind as it feels like now the funeral is over everyone gets back to their lives leaving us to try and put some resemblance of a life back together. Sorry to ramble, but thanks for listening xxxx


Dear @Gemma1979

I apologise for the delay in responding to you. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your dad. No need to apologise, we are here to listen and support you and your family at any time. I see that you are new to the Community, I do hope it will be of support and comfort to you.

There is a blog on Losing a Parent which may be of help to you along with the following resources by Sue Ryder.

You can also connect with members who have been in a similar situation as yourself by typing ‘Losing a Parent’ in the search bar.

Please continue to reach out, you are not alone.

Take care.
