Losing Dad not coping

Hi I just wondered if anyone feels like what is the point of life when someone you love passes away and your left with nothing. I feel completely numb and like there is a constant void. Even more so is the feeling that my Dad had so much more life to live it was Covid that took him and all I am left with is the torment of his passing in my head as if it wasn’t hard enough his passing than to have gone the way he did. I feel so angry and wake every day with heaviness that my life will never be the same without my dad here my best friend. Where did he go??. I think I need to speak with a bereavement councillor.


I lost my dad at 23 my daughter who was 3 and me my dads daughter 23 were the closest to him he had Parkinson’s and a lot of family stood back … I’ve now lost my daughter to but one thing I no is life goes on and they are there with us … my dad spoke to me after he passed and I am thankful to him for doing sox keep strong . He is your guide don’t be scared to ask xxx

Hi @Missboo,

I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. It’s good that you’ve been able to share how you are feeling here, and I hope that you find the community a valuable source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

You mentioned counselling, and Sue Ryder offers a free, online bereavement counselling service. Sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about the service here: www.sueryder.org/counselling

Another good place to get support is Cruse Bereavement. They offer a helpline, email support, and counselling and support groups through their local services: 0808 808 1677, helpline@cruse.org.uk, http://www.cruse.org.uk/bereavement-services

Take care,

Online Community team

I know exactly how you feel @Missboo,my dad died 6 weeks ago to covid, the feelings you have are 100% normal, I cry, I talk to my dad i miss him everyday. Grief has taken me to places I never thought was possible.

I hate covid for taking him to soon

My life will never be the same, I have spent most of today crying.

Don’t be hard on yourself, give yourself time to grieve. I have had to try and process the pain of how my dad died and the images I have in my head to comes to terms with his death

I have no words that can comfort you but please let out your pain don’t suppress it.

These feelings do pass in time, and then the happy memories you have with come to the front of your mind

Please message me if you want to talk

Take care