Losing dad

I miss my dad so much it has left me broken hearted .he died last year .he was my best friend and everything to me .I thought I was coping but every day is hard .he’s not here .his anniversary has just passed and I feel worse than ever .I am very alone and feel very alone in the world

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Looking for support as each day is getting harder and harder for me .I’m just lost he was my best friend and now I’m alone .


Hello @2shoes,

I’m Seaneen, and I can see that you are new to the community - I’d like to thank you for bravely starting this thread and sharing how you’re feeling. I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. Most community members have sadly experienced the death of a loved one and so will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support. In the meantime, you may wish to look at these Sue Ryder resources which might be helpful.

I have also merged your two threads together so you can get the support that you need.

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,

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Thank you seaneen

I would like to have some reassurance that others are going through the same thing

So sorry for your loss. I totally understand how you feel, like you, my dad was my rock, my best friend, my hero, my everything. People say, it gets easier as time goes by, but I totally disagree. It is coming up to the first anniversary of my dad passing and I feel worse now than when it happened. You are not alone, this forum is excellent and has helped me to realise it’s quite normal to feel this way. Just take it a day at a time, smile at the memories of your dad, your dad will always be in your heart. My daughter gave me a cushion with a picture of my dad on, so that when I am feeling low, I can hug it and talk to him. You can be surrounded by a thousand people but still feel alone. You have taken the first step of not being alone by posting on here. We are all grieving for the loss of someone special. I found it helpful to write down how I’m feeling, maybe this is something you could try?

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Thank you so much for replying Kay I am sorry you lost your dad too .I think the initial shock is what shields is from the pain when realisation hits that I won’t see him again .As you say he was my rock as well and this is what I am finding difficult .How to manage without him .I’m a big girl and he taught me to get strong but I just don’t feel strong at the moment .I don’t feel anyone really understands and I see everyone else getting on with their lives but I feel stuck .i don’t really want to see anyone or go anywhere .I know routine is so important .I also feel jealous of those who still have their dad’s as I want mine .I want to be able to do those things they are doing with him by my side .He was my protector in life and I am really struggling

I also find that everything reminds me of him .even something I see in a shop it breaks my heart that he can no longer enjoy the things he used to and therefore why should I do you get this ?

I am trying to taje it one day at a time as that is all I can do .it just feels so raw at the minute .To know that all these feelings are normal and others understand really is helping me .How lovely of your daughter to do that for you .I love to write but when I do I cry so will keep trying with this x

I agree with you not wanting to see anyone or go anywhere. I’m self-employed, so I have to go out to work, which isn’t easy but it does make me go out. Are you working? When I’m working, I put on a mask and carry on as through I’m fine but inside I’m breaking and can’t wait to get back home. I also have a dog, but normally walk him at 5.30am, so I don’t have to make conversation with other dog walkers. Like you, I just want my dad back, it is so hard to see other people out with their dads, it’s so unfair that they have their dad and we don’t. Try and go to places you went with your dad (I know it’s hard) and remember the good times you had together, have something that he enjoyed, I done this in the summer and had a Mr Whippy Ice Cream in dad’s honour as it was one of his favourite things to have, yes I had tears but it also made me smile as I could picture him with me, enjoying the ice cream just as much as me.

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Hello everyone, I lost my dad on the 8th of January, I still think I’m gonna wake up and my dad will be here , so I totally understand you all , why is life so hard