Losing Mom

I lost my amazing mom 4 weeks ago to pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed on the 9th anniversary of my dad’s death from liver cancer and died only 3 weeks later. Mom was my best friend, she helped me get away from an abusive marriage and even after I got my own place we spent loads of time together. I just miss her, the big things are hard (it was my birthday 2 weeks after she passed) but also the little things like cooking a meal she loved or wanting to text her to look at the moon or the sunset. I have amazing people in my life but no one can replace her. I’m 46 but feel like a lost kid with no parents.


I’m so sorry for your loss, she sounds like a truly wonderful woman who spent her time looking out for you.

Hi Goby, I’m sorry for the loss of your mum. It’s so so rubbish and like you I was close to my mum, we spoke every single day and I considered her my best friend. I’m 41 and now have no parents and although my dad passed 15 years ago, I could just about get through that as my mum was a soldier and gave me and my sister so much love and support through that, I don’t know how to navigate life without her. You have to remember those special moments and memories you made. It sounds like she was a brilliant mum to you so treasure those precious memories.
I went to see a medium tonight and my mum came through and she was spot on with most of what she said, so I’m trying to take comfort in the fact she is watching over me. Sending love and hugs xx

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Hi, sorry about your Mum, it’s all happened so recently for you. I also lost my Mum to Pancreatic cancer, but we didn’t know anything about it until the post mortem report. She obviously hid the pain she would have felt, although I noticed that her appetite had decreased the last time I saw her. It has been a hard, lonely six months since she died and I miss her terribly. I have researched a lot about grief so I know that everything I feel is normal. I’ve also found it helpful to check in on this forum, read posts and offer a response. It helps to know that I am not alone. Take care xx

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