Losing mum

I have recently lost my Mum. Its so hard as we soevt so much time together and we talked every day. There’s a huge gap in my life now. Its very early days for me, but I’d appreciate any advice on how to get through these days…I feel no one wants to talk about her now

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Hello Goldfish
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I lost my Mum 5 months ago.
You have to take things at your own pace and not do what you think other people think you should do.
Everyone’s grief is unique.

I feel like a secret horrible world opened up to me when I lost my Mum and there’s no going back to how things were. You have to travel the journey alone sadly as noone can totally know how you’ve been affected.

This forum has helped me a lot because there are others who do know how you feel and will listen without judgement or trying to ‘fix’ you.

I know what you mean about being the only one talking about your Mum. It’s upsetting isn’t it but sometimes people don’t mention things they think may be upsetting but really, all we want to do is talk about our wonderful Mums and keep them close.

Keep posting here, I’m sure you’ll get lots of support.

Nicky x

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Thanks Nick I appreciate your advice…everyone has their own journey but eventually we all come to terms with it differently. Its just a hard time but I do feel I get strength from her


If you feel no one wants to talk about mum x Just remember we WILL


Its 5 weeks today from I lost my mum…its feels like forever since I’ve seen her or talked to her…I miss her so much… everywhere I go now I’ve memories of her bring there with me… we did so much together and I’m so blessed to have those memories…