Losing mum.

I lost my mum 6 weeks ago suddenly she had cpod disease for years but had always got better so it was a huge shock I can’t get out of my head seeing her take her last breathes it was horrid seeing her struggle she was only 75 I’m feeling very lost at the moment


Hi @Slothlady I lost my mum in November last year. I however was at home as mum had been in care for just under two years. She just fell asleep in the afternoon and that was it. No warning just poof gone. From my own experience feeling lost is normal.

As is the fact that it’s happened. Your in a the right place as we all have the same thing in common loss. Much love :heart: Mark


I lost my mum in February. She too had copd but it didn’t seem to affect her and wasn’t being seen by doctors regularly or anything then on Valentine’s Day she said she was tired as she’d been getting anxious and then later in the evening gone. They got the pulse back but she had been gone too long so on the 17th we had to have the machines turned off. The shock was so intense. And now I feel like I’m wandering around lost…. We are all here for you so keep talking. Sorry not much advice but your experience resonated with me.

Nic xx

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Thank you Nic that’s what’s happened to my mum they brought her back and she lasted the weekend we had just got home and they rang us to rush back we were with her when she passed yes I k ow that feeling everything is not the same anymore :cry: I m finding to hard not being able to ring her :cry: my thoughts are with you xx