Losing mum

I lost my mum in September, she had a fall with catastrophic injuries. She was everything to me. I live alone and have no children but I do have siblings and their families. I don’t know why but I am so angry that I am left with them and the most important person in my life has gone. I can’t talk without just crying all the time. The surgery arranged someone to call me as I just broke down when I went for my Covid appointment. There are no words to describe the devastating feelings of loss.

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Dear @Yaya

Welcome to the Community, I apologise for not responding sooner. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mum.

I have had a look on Google and there is a Bereavement Cafe (type in their search bar Bereavement Cafe) in Dunmow (I looked at your profile for location) you may wish to consider going along to when you ready and if you want to. It is for local people to connect and support each other through grief. They do have a phone number you can call on 01279 967670.

Sue Ryder has written an article on Losing a Parent which may be of help and support to you. The loss of a parent leaves a big hole in our lives and there are no words to describe the pain that goes with it. There is a useful Grief Guide that contains useful information and helps you under and discover new ways to cope with your bereavement and grief.

You are in the early stages of grief, it will be a rollercoaster of emotions with good days and bad days, but you are not alone. We are all here for you at any time. Grief is a journey to be taken at your pace, please be gentle with yourself and continue to reach out.

Take care.


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