Losing mum

I just carnt get over this lost mum 24th August she had breast cancer but got covid and died I protected her for 19months I work in nursing in hospital I feel I gave her it carnt cope I ache for her she was my best friend. Always got chest pain irregular heart beats not sleeping I just need her so bad I just want to go and be with her no point in life now

Dear @Rammy

Welcome to the Community, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mum. I can feel the pain in your post, but dear Rammy please do not blame yourself for giving your mum Covid.

If you did not have Covid your mum could not have caught it from you. I do not know the environment your mum was in, but she may have had contact with other people who would not have known they had Covid.

I would book an appointment with your doctor as you have been feeling unwell and not sleeping and see what support they can give you. Your mum would want you to carry on as I am sure she would have been proud of you working in Nursing. We need more people like you who are caring and compassionate.

The Samaritans are available 24/7, 365 days a year on 116 123 for free for someone to talk to. This may help you for someone to talk to.

There is a very useful Grief Guide that contains useful information to help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief. When you are ready have a look.

The following article on Losing a Parent will be of help and support to you. You are not alone; we are all here for you.

Please take one day at a time and be gentle with yourself. If you would like further information, please email online.community@suerydercare.org.

Take care.
