Losing mum

Hi i lost my mum in july from alzheimer’s after caring for her for years we lived together i am now on my own for the first time in my life i have my dog Eddie which helps i don’t have any close friends only my dad and brother my brother is no help at all my dad tries to be supportive but doesn’t understand as i was the only one who care for my mum i had no help. I don’t work due to health issues i do volunteer for a couple of hours but i am finding they are getting fed up with me as i am always upset. She was my best friend we did everything together. I miss her every second and i can’t say she went peacefully the last few months of her life were hell. I couldn’t have her home that when she gave up the doctor told her i didn’t want her home which was not true it was my fault i let her down. How do i move on no one to talk to when i do talk to my mums friends as soon as they hear i am not good they don’t want to know so i am just making out i am ok i feel empty sorry for going on my dog is now 10 years and not well i don’t think i can go on if i lose him too. Please any help i am autistic so find this very hard on my own.

Hi @Dreamdogs. I am so sorry for your loss.
I also lost my mum recently and find it very difficult to accept.
I am sorry to hear that you do not have much support around you. Would it be possible or something you might consider, to try and find out if there is a support group close to you perhaps?
I hope that you can find the emotional support that you need and in the meantime, I have found this forum to be such a help as we are all dealing with grief and sadness following the loss of a loved one. Take care, Rachel x

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Hi @Dreamdogs sorry to hear about your mum, I know how you feel, I lost my mum too just over 2 months ago. It’s a very lonely feeling and completely heartbreaking, especially if you were best friends. I was also so close to my mum, she was my whole family, my everything, my support and comfort. I only have my husband and dog now. My dog is also nearly 13 and I worry about her, I can’t bare to lose her either. I’m sure your mum knew that you loved her. You had a whole life together, not just those last awful time while she was in hospital. I know I need to take my own advice, as my mum was also in hospital and I try not to just think about that awful time but also the lifetime of happy memories and love before that. I was with mum every day she was in hospital and it was so hard to see her like that, but I’m so glad I was there. I know it’s hard to talk to some people when they just want you to say you’re OK, but inside you’re anything but. I struggle to share with others too as they just don’t understand. But those on this forum do, like me. Keep posting if it helps to share. Take care x