Losing my 15 years baby boy

My life hasn’t been the same since i lost my 15 years old son who drowned at the beach.

Today’s 14weeks, si ce my son passed away my heart ache every day, I’m losing my mind, cant sleep because everything i close my eyes I’m having nightmare. I have never experience so much pains in my life. People tells you to move on, how can you move on… , it would get easier,no it doesn’t work like that.

I’m not having a good day today :confused: life means nothing to me, i don’t care or worry about things now like i used to be.


Hi Maria I am so very sorry for the tragic loss of your beloved boy at 15 years of age.Heartbreaking it literaĺly is.All the feelings you are going through is as any loving parent would feel.I lost my son my only child last year he was ill 51 years old.My heart is broken.I cry every day but I will say people can say the most ignorant things “move on” .That will never happen. You grieve as you want to grieve and one day as we all hope we will be able to live a life around our grief.Meanwhile we have no choice but to get up each day and carry on but the realisation of never seeing our sons again is painfully hard to bear.
Take care of yourself lots of love and hugs to you Marg xxx

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I am so sorry for the tragic loss of your son. I lost my son in March to a drugs overdose. We all know exactly what pain you are feeling, the devastation is horrendous. This site as I say so many times is my lifeline where people actually understand us. I never thought I would have good days in the early stages of this hell journey, but you do, but then you feel guilty. Express how you feel on here. I’m not sure if this will help you but a tip I read in here was writing a daily journal, I do this and find it helps. Maybe worth a try. Take care xx

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Those that tell you to move on, do not understand the loss of a child, our child has gone, their future has gone, our futures , hopes and dreams for them have gone. 14 weeks is early days I’m on week 10, and it is horrendous at the moment.

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I know it’s horrible feeling, and every minute is a hard…

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious son.

I lost my boy 15 weeks ago so I understand .
It’s hard to imagine how we are meant to live with this .
We don’t move in from this. Why would we want to.
We have to learn to somehow live alongside it .

I can recommend The compassionate friends charity for child loss .
They run support groups throughout the uk .
I attend one and it does help to speak to others who truly understand .
There is also a forum .

Sending hugs


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We have to learn to somehow live alongside it . Those are nearly the same words my ex sister in law said to me in a card a few weeks ago. It took me a while to actually grasp those words she had wrote, but after a lot of reflection so very true. How are you coping and feeling at the moment. I’ve had a few good days, so that helps, and I hope it gives others hope that a good day will appear during this hell of a journey, take care xx

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Im so sorry for your too

Sending hugs

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