Losing my baby Sister

Hi, I lost my younger sister in May and i’m struggling to cope. We had 18 months since diagnoses but she was so sore and poorly we didn’t get to do everything we wanted to. She was only 41 and so brave every single day. I was her main carer and also worked full time shift work.
Now i’m lost, I have no idea what to do with my time and miss her so much. I don’t really have friends and my husband works a lot so really struggling with feeling lonely.


Hello @Stewart1912,

Thank you for bravely reaching out. I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby sister. You are not alone. Many of our members have experienced the loss of a sibling and will understand some of what you’re going through right now. @Piggysmalls recently posted this thread about the loss of her younger sister - perhaps you would like to connect with each other?

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support. In the meantime, you may wish to look at these Sue Ryder resources which might be helpful.

I hope you find the community to be a support to you, and that you can reach out for extra support if you need to.

Take good care,

Hi Stewart1912, So sorry for your loss. I also lost my younger sister to cancer. We were best friends, confidants, and soul mates. She had almost 2 years from her diagnosis. She was so strong and brave, and was out shopping 2 days before her sudden death. Like you, I feel very lost and alone. I have friends, but I avoid getting close to others because I am very private. But I was closest to my Sister. She knew me better than anyone. Your loss is more recent than mine. But I can say it is something that we will never “get over” but only try to find a way to live around the grief. I still cry in the car, or when I am home alone and think of her (which I do every day) I find losing a sibling is often dismissed or thought to be less painful than other losses. You & I and others on this site know better. Our Sisters are a part of our life history, our past and present. And then we are cruelly robbed of a future with them. I hope you will keep posting. It helps to unload your feelings to others that can relate to this dreadful loss. Take care. Xxx Another Sad Sister2 :people_hugging:


I am very sorry to hear about your sister. So unfair. It was good for her that you were her carer. You must have been close.


Thank you for keeping yourself healthy enough to take care of your sister.
For all the things- cleaning, cooking, grocery runs, laundry and keeping the lights on.
Thank you for being compassionate, even on the days it would have been easy not to be because you were so tried physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Thank you for seeing her, loving her and keeping her safe while she was vulnerable and in pain.
I’m sorry you didn’t have more time with her.
I hope when you are ready, you step out, find another that inspires you to love deeply again.

No one will ever replace your sister, but there may be someone that needs a sister like you.