Losing my brother

I’ve just joined this site today . I lost my brother very suddenly 6 months ago and I’m really struggling with missing him . I wondered if anyone else could give me any advice . He was my older brother and hero . My parents are elderly now and I’m frightened of facing the future without him . Thank you


God morning @Layl

So sorry for your loss :heart:

I haven’t really got any advice for you but didn’t want scroll by without commenting. Please know your not alone with your feelings.

Grief is truly the worst pain imaginable. You have found a safe place to talk about how you feel, everyone is really supportive.

I have learnt from others that we should try and make our life bigger to not let our grief consume us. That in its self is easier said than done, I for one cannot shake the anxiety and indescribable feelings off. It’s only 9 weeks since I lost my partner. I do know that although it’s a long uncertain road, we will come through the other side no matter how hard that will be. We are stronger than we think.

Your brother will be by your side, although not in the physical sense. He will be sending you strength to carry on.

Sending you a big hug :hugs: xx

Hello Layl,

I am so sorry for you loss.

I know how you feel, I lost my 4 year older brother to a heart attack 2 years and 4 months ago.

We did get our weekly food delivery that day, but this time was different. The normal routine was that the driver would carry the heavy box to the door and I would then take the items out of the box and take them into the kitchen while my brother would put the cat food into the garage. But that day was different. I do not know why my brother picked up the big box straight away and carried it into the kitchen. I was worried because his arms did hurt, but he was adamant that it was just his muscles.

Make sure you are getting out of the house as often as you can. (It took me a long time to learn.)

I go to a jigsaw club once a week, have a meal at the local community support centre on Tuesdays. We also meet on Saturdays, have a sandwich, a coffee and just talk for two hours. I also go to a bereavement group once a month. It is organized by the local church here. Have a look if you have something like that near you. (I did not know and some friends had to tell me.)

Must not forget, I also spend some time in the local park spoiling dogs with some treats.

Take care,
