Losing my child in a mental health unit

My daughter, Bethany, forever 21 was diagnosed. autistic at 16 and struggled with her mental health for a number of years with no support. She was sectioned at aged 18 at a mental health unit. She took her own life, by what I believe was misadventure. She would do the same risky behaviour for years as a form of communication for staff to go to her as she struggled with anxiety and communicating her needs.

12th January I got a call to say that they couldn’t get her oxygen levels up. I was told that her brain was significantly damaged that she had already likely died. We had to wait 3 days to do tests until finally the brain stem test was done, which confirmed she had died. Her heart had been restarted at the scene so although her brain had died, her heart was working, but when life support would be switched off, she wouldn’t be able to breathe on her own and her heart would stop.
The organ transplant team came as she was on the list so we had to go through paperwork of what she was fortunate enough to donate and if organs were not useable would I like them to be clinically disposed or used for research.
By then it was like Beth was dehumanised and no longer treated like a person and it was just about her organs.
The next day we went to see her for the final time whilst she was on life support and she was warm to hold and kiss. Whilst we said our final goodbyes before she went to theatre, curtains were opened on ICU, there was no privacy, the organ team kept taking bloods etc whilst I was stood over her crying. The radio was playing “Fame, I want to live forever” and other inappropriate songs.

Her cremation was Thursday and her ashes are ready to collect.
There is going to be a coroners inquest which can take years.

I don’t think I am strong enough :broken_heart::sob:

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Im a so sorry how awful to to going through this horrific journey but how amazing shes ĝave her organs and hopefully can give another life a better outcome.sometimes people seem heartless like the organ team wike the nursing staff for not giving you more privacy.just take a hour at a time grief is cruel i cant tell you but as the long day moves forward an d the next one arrives just try your best to rest :broken_heart: take good care im thinking off you :pray:

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Please stay strong. The NHS killed my daughter, in my opinion. You need to stay strong to represent her in death. You are still her mother and will never stop being her mother. I really feel for you and have seen first hand how careless and callous the NHS can be. Stay strong and simply keep loving her. X

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I’m so sorry that you have lost your child too. It’s a club that no parent should ever have to be in.
I always did advocate and represent her and I won’t stop. Her voice will be heard x