Losing my dad unexpectedly

Hi new to the forum.
I lost my dad 15days ago unexpectedly, we are not able to lay him to rest until over a week away yet. I’m really struggling with grief- does it get any easier or do people just tell you that?


@Dillydally Sorry about your Dad. I lost mine in March & I have good days, bad days, worse days & indifferent days. They all come with issues & different levels of conflict. It’s very raw for you at this stage so getting thru each day will take great strength. Leading up to the funeral will keep you focused. I hope you have a good level of support. Now & afterwards. I’m only 24 weeks in on this journey & I feel exhausted by it all. I’m sure other people on here who are further down the grief trail might be better equipped to say when things become easier. Best wishes


Sorry for your loss. I can’t offer any advise on how to deal with your loss but I wanted to let you know you’re not on you’re own. Only a few days ago I unexpectedly lost my mom. It has been a complete shock and has left me absolutely devastated. My heart is in complete agony and I can’t imagine life ever getting back to normal! I’m sure our lost loved ones wouldn’t want us to be unhappy but I am sure time will heal our broken hearts! Wishing you all the best for the future x

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Sorry for your loss also. It’s so hard isn’t it and you’re right our loved ones wouldn’t want us unhappy but it feels like how can you ever be happy again after such a big loss. I’m lucky (as I’m sure you are) that I have lots of amazing memories and I’m hoping that these will help my heart to heal. Thank you for your message x


Sorry I didn’t see your comment! Thank you for your message it’s comforting to know there is a way forward. The funeral prep is keeping us occupied- everything has been on a slow burner so not getting buried till near 4 weeks after passing. Wishing you well in your journey x