Losing my dad

I lost my dad 6 weeks ago after a 10 day battle with cancer, I was his Carer and I am struggling coming to terms with everything, I feel numb and do not understand any of my feelings at the moment

Hi. Kellie.
I’m so sorry to hear about your painful loss. In the beginning this numbness of the mind is so common in grief. The brain shuts down to avoid the pain. As time goes on the numbness does go and then emotions may take over and you can grieve. Don’t be afraid of that. It’s normal in the process of grief. Never bottle up emotions, very unwise.
It’s very early days for you and what is said may make little difference, but it’s good you came on here. We are all in grief as you are. If you read the posts you will see how others cope and you are far from alone.
You may be finding that few understand how you feel. We all do here, very much so.
Try and be kind to yourself. Don’t flog yourself with negative emotions like guilt.
You use the word ‘struggle’. Try not to. Go with the pain and not struggle with it. I’m sorry not to be more help. Take it easy and come back and talk. Blessings.

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Hi Jonathan, thank you for your kind words and I will make sure to try and let my emotions run there course.

I’m sorry to hear about your dad. My mum also died 6 weeks ago. 2 days after her diagnosis of lung cancer how it got that far undiagnosed I’ll never know. I was numb particularly the week she was in hospital, on the day she died I was laughing and joking with the nurses. Trying to make sure she could hear laughter rather than crying in her final hours so as to not worry her. Even though she was unconscious . On the day of the funeral I was ok ish. It’s hitting hard now. It does come. It’s all part of the process I’m told.

The only day I felt true pain was the day the consultant told us she had only days left and had cancer. Everything else is a blur of numbness. And i think like you because of the suddenness it’s also shock

Hey Jooles
Yes I was exactly the same it’s so hard to try and understand the process especially when it happened so quickly it’s so hard to understand or get to grips with it x

Hey Jooles
Yes I was exactly the same it’s so hard to try and understand the process especially when it happened so quickly it’s so hard to understand or get to grips with it x

I lost my mum 3 months ago 3 weeks after a lung cancer diagnosis . It has totally floored me. Even now I still cant process it . I didnt process it even after the diagnosis. I just thought they were over dramitising it. Talk about total denial. I’ve never been a crier but I’ve cried buckets and have felt numb, in denial and the pain I feel is unbearable. I was advised to just take one day at a time and be kind to myself, cry if I need to and not be hard on myself. It has helped but I guess we just have to go through the grief and emotions. Take care xx

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