Losing my dad

Hi im Michelle im 41 &I lost my dad 28 August 2020 it was secondary cancer when we found out he had 6 months he went within 6 weeks at home myself my brother &mum cared for him at home which was hard going but wudnt have changed it for the world as I wudnt have wanted him in hospital where we wudnt have been able to see him due to covid pandemic& Im struggling big time its been nearly a year on saturday&I still have out bursts of emotions at random times I miss him so much as we were so close I just feel lost &alone i live with my mum &12 year old son so I have to try to be strong but i cant all the time… sometimes I feel I have changed ive havent really seen my bf since the pandemic as we as a family were protecting my dad then after I felt scared /confused about losing my mum too so I havnet made effort to be with my man I know its silly but ive got no energy for it sounds bad I know it does but im struggling.

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Dear Chelleb, I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad, you have been through a dreadful time, and my heart goes out to you, there is no time scale to grief, and unless you have been through it yourself, you have no idea, I lost my husband 10 years ago and I still miss him, have days when I feel so down, but luckily they are not so often now, what I’m saying is a year is such a short amount of time, what you are feeling is absolutely normal, it’s part of loving unfortunately, please seek some help, either from GP or bereavement counselling, sending love Jude xx

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Thank you so much sorry for ur loss too . funnily enough I’ve finally got my appointment today for counselling ive been waiting for bereavement counseling since I asked about before Christmas so fingers crossed this will help me.xx I’m just struggling.x

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