Losing My dad

Hi my dad passed away in June and was suddenly aswel im finding it hard to cope without him he was double me we both was similar in all the ways possible. We looked like each other we acted like each other even banter was so similar. I’m struggling to cope with life. Any advice to able to cope better is needed

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Hello, the best thing I could say is to keep your self busy and do the things you would have done with your dad it’s really hard at first but its best to keep yourself active and don’t sit around thinking, mine both died within months of each other four years ago and I still have bad days but you have got to do things for him and keep going it gets easier as time goes on and you learn to live with it so chin up :+1:

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I’m so very sorry for your loss.
I lost my dad august 11th 2020.
He was 50 years old just as my mom was 50 and I was 23.
We just had lunch, he was gonna use the loo and then he came back sweating and said he had puked. That night my mom rung the hospital and they needed to come.
He was white as a ghost, he was not very relaxed, went up and down from his bed downstairs then up and again and saying that’s that weren’t right.
My dad had problems with his liver.
They checked him in at the hospital.
Due to covid I wasn’t allowed to visit so my mom was the visitor because I would her to visit her husband.
He got morphine to help with any pain.
The next morning my mum rung him and they talked.
Later we got a phone call from the hospital that they were about to be checking on my dad and found him unconscious and blue around the lips.
They reanimated and incubated him.
Also they kept him asleep/in coma.
He never woke up.
All his organs were failing.
So we had to decide to stop his treatment.
He passed away unexpectedly in 4 days.
It’s a good 1.5 year later and I’m still struggling.
The day of his 1.5 year since passing I decided to seek help.
Tomorrow I’ve got the first conversation.
I’m scared.
I try to do everything that my dad wants me to do I think/hope.
I also write letters to him and that really helps me.
Everyone griefs differently and that’s okay.
You do you.
I also look like my dad and miss him dearly every second of every day.
I wish you a lot of strength!

Hi Lee83. My darling dad passed away in August and I miss him so much. He had a cheeky sense of humour but he taught us to love the great outdoors.
I miss him so much as he was so generous with his love. I hope you find comfort in the happier times you enjoyed together x

Hi LEE83, I lost my Dad at the beginning of January and it was sudden too. I feel your pain and so sad to hear of your Dads passing. I spoke to my Dad everyday even though there was 270 miles between us. He was my best friend, I could talk to him about everything. Life will never be the same for me at the moment and I expect you feel the same too. The thing I have found that helps me though each day is just talking about him to anyone who wants to listen. My Sister on the other hand has just shut herself away. The loneliness I expect your feeling at the moment is undescribable. Thinking of you x