losing my dad

I lost my dear dad 3years ago on the 1st June He had Dementia and I too have now been diagnosed with the same .I was his carer until towards the end .I had to deal with every thing after and due to ill health myself and lockdown have never allowed myself the time to grieve. Friends tell me to move on but I seem to be stuck in the moment .they say time is a great healer but I dont know how

Dear @polly47

Welcome to the community. Having read your profile and read about the losses of your mum, dad and brother in such a short time, it understandable you have not had time to grieve properly.

Have you considered talking to your GP for support , counselling (if you want it) and to see if there are any local Bereavement groups in your area?

Sue Ryder have recently launched a Grief Self-Help Service which has useful resources and tools to help you cope with bereavement and grief. It would be worth having a look as the information is very supportive.

You can also connect with the community here in respect of losing a parent and sibling.

If you are interested Sue Ryder offers a free Counselling Service . There is a waiting list but you can register online and then you will be invited to book an assessement.

Grieving has no time limits so please do not put pressure on yourself to ‘move on’. Everyone reacts differently and at different times to grief.

Please continue to reach out. We are here for you. You are not alone.

Take care.
