Losing my Dad

Never thought I would be joining a community like this, but I am struggling so much at the moment - I lost my Dad 5 days before Christmas and the grief is just getting worse - Some background might help - I lost my husband suddenly Feb 2011, my children were 11 and 13 - I struggled so much with losing him and can’t remember the first year after his death - my wonderful parents helped us so much and my Dad basically stepped in and was our rock - we knew Dad was ill but didn’t think we would lose him when we did, he was due to see a heart specialist in January - he just collapsed at home - Watching my Mum go through what I went through is heart breaking, I always spoke to Mum about anything and everything but I don’t feel like I can talk to her openly and honestly about the grief I feel as she is going through her own hell - she was with Dad from the age of 15 (54 years) - I just don’t know where to turn anymore, I have tried the GP but I have to wait 7 days just for a phone call (it’s not their fault the NHS is how it is) - Don’t know what I hope to get from joining this community but just writing this has helped a little

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