Losing my dad

I’m not very good today it’s 11 months today since I lost my dad I still have good days and bad days I miss my dad so much I still feel guilty that I didn’t get to the hospital even though I was the last to see my dad that day as I went in the ambulance with him and stayed with him to 4 pm that day and other things like things I should of said to him and films that I bought that I never got round to watch with him like the goodies Benny hill and laurel and hardy when I was at the dentist today she new my dad from when he use to go the dentist she asked how I was as I told her I started to cry she said it’s normal u did all u could for him looking after him and that he would be thankful for that she said don’t beat yourself up over it and be gentle to your self eversince I lost him I was ill with chest infections run down with eye infections I’ve had 2 lots of bereavement councelling next month the end of October it will be a year


I’m just giving this thread a gentle bump for you, @David8 - I’m so sorry about your dad.

You might want to read our support page on coping with death anniversaries . It has advice to help you get through the day and remember your dad in a way that feels right for you.

Take care

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David, I’m so sorry for your loss. You are doing so well, and though I didn’t know your Dad, I have no doubt he felt your love and support throughout. What we would all give for one more movie with our loved one, you’re not alone in that feeling. Take care of yourself and find moments of joy where you can. <3 T