Losing my dad

Hi everyone

I am thinking about starting counselling after self harming really bad after finding out my dad was dying of cancer and is in his last few months of life I cry about it so much as I feel like I never seen him enough or made and effort, I just need someone to talk too who understands why I’m so upset I’m drinking heavily to try and cope and am only 18 I know it’s becoming a problem I also can’t eat properly and and dropping weight so badly people notice

Hi Tegan
Iam sorry about your dad. Counselling can be really helpful at times like this. It gives you chance to talk through how you are feeling and can really be a very positive support to you. Do you have anyone who can take care of you a bit at this difficult time - like a family member or friend?
I know it is really hard when someone close to us is very ill and we do think about things we should have done or said. Can you spend some time with your dad now?
The other thing that may be helpful is to go to see your doctor. You have already done well to recognise the areas your have a problem with like self harming, drinking and not eating properly. Your doctor may be able to help you with those things by pointing you in the direction of some support services.
There are lots of people on this forum who are going through a similar thing to you so hopefully you will find this supportive too.
Take good care and definitely keep talking.

Thank you I don’t really have any family members I want to open up to at the moment and I will go see my doctor I just feel very alone

Hi Tegan c and welcome to our online community.

CM has given some great advice and I would also suggest that you visit your GP as they can refer you for some counselling. I’m sure you’d find it helpful to talk openly with someone about how you’re feeling about your dad.

If you’re feeling very alone and wanted to talk to someone on the phone, you could always give Samaritans a call on 116 123. They are there for anyone who needs someone to talk to, about anything that’s worrying you or getting you down.

In the meantime, I hope you find some comfort here in our community.

take care of yourself