Hi just thought id give this a go as I’m struggling with the loss of my dad we lost him on the 25th November and I’m not coping well at all he died so suddenly he had cancer but it was the chemo that killed him in the end i get hit with waves of emotions on a daily basis and struggling to sleep as my minds racing i miss him so much he was more than just my dad he was my best friend
Hi @Tomopvt I’m sorry for your loss and can empathise with you. I lost my beautiful Dad at the end of Oct 24 very suddenly. This site is really helpful but you may need to visit your GP or seek counsellinf to help you through the early days. I have done both and now on antidepressants which I was reluctant to take but it has helped. Semding you strength and hugs x
Thank you for your reply and sorry for your loss as well think that will be my next step seeing my Gp and have abit of councilling
Look after yourself
You to take care
Thank you🙂
I lost my dad Nov 23 … it’s been so hard. The constant ache has subsided to intense aches at certain times. He was my best friend and we spoken a couple of times a day. He supported me through my PTSD and panic attacks. Life is hard without him in it.
But as I said above the constant pain does subside somewhat with time x
Think apart off me is not accepting hes gone some days I’m still thinking hes going to walk through the door and its just been a horrible nightmare like you my dad was my best friend we spoke all the time and went out for meals every weekend just struggling to come to terms that i will never see him again
Today i picked my dads ashes up and it absolutely knocked me for six just another reminder that he was gone and not coming back my heart aches so much and i miss him so much life is so cruel
Hi @Tomopvt
It is really hard collecting the ashes but it sometimes gives you a sense that they are coming home. They are still with us all the time, around us and within us. I hope you are okay. X
Yes i agree with that just hard because its just another reminder hes gone but guess its like the final chapter of his life just miss him
I know that feeling @Tomopvt. I miss my Dad every single day. He left us in October 2024. My world has been turned upside down. I do understand.