Losing my Dad

Hi. I haven’t posted in here for a while. It was my Dad’s funeral on Wednesday. I managed to read a poem that I said I would do. I was so hard. My trouble is I just cannot get motivated to do anything. I am not really hungry and don’t want to read, watch TV or listen to music. This is made worse by suffering from depression for most of my life. My question is how have other people managed to motivate themselves. I just want to stay inside and not go anywhere or see anyone.


I also have felt unable to get through alot of days but I did by being very gentle with myself.but I got sick and ended up quite unwell .I now maje sure I eat and drink regularly as I was so dehydrated .it is very early days for you but well done on reading your poem .your dad would be proud of you .have you other family to support you .I do not

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Hi Vicky. Thank you for your reply. I have a long history of mental health problems and I take 2 different antidepressants and also Lithium as I have bipolar. It worries me when I get really down as I was previously sectioned for over a year. I just don’t feel I can talk to my GP or the mental health team as they will say “you are just grieving” but when I get stressed I see things and the last time I was very stressed I went out with a knife and was tasered by the police which I have no recollection of. I feel anxious and don’t want to go out because I think things are contaminated and I will get ill so its better to stay at home.