Losing my Daughter

Hello, I’m new to the group and still navigating the site.
I decided to look for a little support to help me deal with my grief, I lost my daughter on the 5th of March, she was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer just 22 months ago, it was a particularly challenging cancer and every chemotherapy drug just kept failing her.
She was my baby girl, my first born, even at 49 she’s still my baby! She was my best friend, we talked every day, went shopping together, done girlie holidays every year, the void is huge the pain is too much sometimes. :heart:

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.


I am sorry for your loss, My son died of secondary bone cancer aged 47 last July. He complained of pains in his hip and spine in April 2023 . At first they could not find the primary cancer, just before he died they said they found a 20mm ulcer in the lesser curve of the stomach. He died within in 3 Months, Cancer is a terrible thing ,the trouble is it is the body attacking it self. My son fought being born with mild cerebral palsy,moderate learning disability , and epilepsy . He was doing well being independent when all this happened,life can be so cruel.When you see all nations fighting among their self , do they not see the real enemy is cancer, dementia, and other illness.That is where they should direct their energy and money into research. Maybe one day they will learn,we all have a part to play on this earth and we should help each other.

I was sorry to read about the loss of your Son and his illnesses he suffered. Take care of yourself.

We had 47 wonderful years with him,and we just look upon that. Everyone has their cross to bare , just some more than others. I just worry how the world is going now and just hope people learn to live with each other . Most people just want to live in peace ,it just takes a few to destroy all that. . you just take care and look after yourself,love to you all​:heart::heart::heart::pray:

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