Losing my Diane to cancer

I lost my partner 3 weeks ago yesterday ( Friday 17th Jan ) she had pancreatic cancer. We were together 10yrs and she was my world. I feel like my world has stopped and am so lost without Diane.

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So sorry for your loss, i lost my beloved husband of 22 years to cancer, its been 10 weeks today, the tears haven’t stopped since he went and im struggling every day, it feels like half of me is missing and the days and nights are long and lonely without him.

This page helps me everyday

I am so sorry for your loss too. The fact that Diane has gone is tearing me apart and yes like you I could be making a coffee and just suddenly burst into tears. Yesterday I was doing a bit of grocery shopping to try and keep busy. I had to stop halfway round the store as when I looked in the basket I had put all the things that my Diane liked, the things that she used to eat that I didn’t. I was still shopping for US and not me. I had to leave the basket and the store as I started crying in the middle of the store.

I find shopping very difficult too. I went this morning for a few bits. Im thinking that perhaps I should start going to a different shop and see if that helps.
Inviting people round helps a bit - I like to cook for others.

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@Itsjustmenow I’m so sorry for your loss. My wonderful husband passed away 5 weeks ago at the age of 56. Far too soon, mourning the loss of your love, best friend and all the future you should have had together is so unbelievably hard. I don’t have much advice other than to take a day at a time and when you need to cry just let it out. Do you have family and friends to support you? Reach out anytime on this forum, it will be a great help hopefully, take care of yourself