I lost my hubby july 2024 we had been together for 27 years but only got married july last year he asked me on the monday got married on the Wednesday morning for him to gain his wings the same afternoon so i was a bride and widow in the same day wasnt expecting him to go that quick thought i would have a bit longer with him its all these firsts that i can’t cope with my first birthday with out him he would spoil me rotten my daughter tried bless her but it wasn’t the same never will be love and miss him soso much
Hi Donna ,firstly let me express my sincere condolences to you and your family .I lost my husband in June 23 ,i can empathise with you 100% about all the firsts ,my 1sts have all gone now ,but i still take each day ,each hour as it comes ,sadly there is no cure for the grieving process and certainly no time limit ,i have found that bereavement councilling helped me although it has now come to an end ,i still meet up with the ladies who were in the group ,i also meet one of them every week ,we really do help each other ,i have found that meeting people who are on the grief journey helps as they know exactly what im going through, so one day or even one hour at a time and my heart really does go out to you ,sending a massive hug x
Just wanted to say sorry for your loss, i too lost my beloved husband on 23rd November 2024 to cancer, we had been together for 22 years and had just celebrated our wedding anniversary on 19th October, we found out on the 22nd October he had cancer, 13th November we found out there was nothing they could do, he was moved to a hospice on the 19th November and passed away 23rd.
I had 4 weeks with him, i miss him everyday and struggling without him, my heart is broken and my life and house is empty now.
Sorry for your loss xxx