Losing my husband

3 weeks ago my husband just walked into a room and just dropped down dead. I am in a state of shock and don’t know how to get through. I’m not sure what else to say.

I understand how shocked and devastated you must be feeling. My 50 year old husband went for a run one evening, collapsed and died. No warning, no cause of death as yet. Me and my son went to find him and he had already passed. All our future has been ripped apart. The pain is so horrible and ongoing. I am starting counselling next week. I have also found the website refugeingrief.com to be good. The writer lost her young husband suddenly and so understands. Keep posting - direct message if you want. Sending hugs

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Your two stories are heart breaking and my prayers and thoughts go out to you both.
Jules that is so kind of you to offer to keep in touch and I hope you both do. Finding someone who is in the same position is one thing that happens on this site and over the coming weeks you both need support from someone who knows how it feels.
Life will be tough and at times you may feel that it’s not worth going on but tomorrow is another day and we get through it which I feel makes us stronger people and far more resilient for the future.
Keep posting and reading other people’s post, it gives you the strength and hope, we are always here for you. Both of you take extra care of yourselves because you are very vulnerable at this time. Bless you both. xxx

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Dear springbrad

Like Jules4 I understand the shock and devastation you must be feeling. I lost my husband suddenly and tragically in slightly different circumstances - road traffic accident - but do understand the impact on those left behind.

After 3 weeks you will still be in the very early stages of shock and disbelief. I know that I was and sometimes still am after 8 months. Emotions as a result of your grief will ebb and flow and sometimes you may experience a series of different emotions all in the same day.

I tried to go it alone and not seek much support outside of a few select friends but as time has passed and the challenges increased I have now reached out. I also have the Inquest into my husband’s death this coming week and that in itself presents significant challenges. So please explore all support options - family, friends, counselling - whatever you feel comfortable with.

I am happy for you to private message me if you feel the need.

I am so sorry for your loss. It was over two years ago when l loss my dad and last year l loss my husband. My husband Lewis worked hard for his family, he was messing about with us and just nipped out to do a quick job at work taking one of are daughters with him, 45 minutes late he had gone. I will never for get that night and the call off my daughter. People say it gets easier but l cry every day.

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I get how hard it is when it’s so sudden. I said goodbye to my husband when he went out never believing for a second that it would be a final goodbye. Sending hugs

Totally understand and accept that I will never get over my husband’s death. He left on the morning for a ride out on his motorbike, gave me one of his lovely smiles and waved goodbye. Rang me at lunchtime and we had a laugh and said “goodbye see you later”. Three hours later he was gone. Just heartbroken, utterly heartbroken.

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Sheila so sorry for your loss. I never thought Lewis would go before me, and only being 55 years old. Our youngest daughter is 13 now and not coping without her best friend, they went out to places all the time and he was leaning her photography which they loved going to Chester zoo x

Dear Mandy1234

My husband was only 60. Like your Lewis they should still have had many years ahead.

I know and see the pain on both our kids faces and they are adults (30 upwards). Our son is heartbroken because his dad was proving to be a great granda to his eldest son only to have it taken away. Our daughter because of lockdown had not seen her dad since June, although we did talk on the phone and through Whatsapp. My heart breaks for you, your family and your daughters. Dad’s are irreplacable and husbands, well what can I say except that I struggle every day.

Take care.