Losing my husband

Sorry for your loss I was with Ray 14 years we will have been married 5 years on the 23 September I have never known such pain my thoughts are with you :purple_heart:

I lost my precious husband on May 11th this year. I am completely broken and miss him so much. I am 82 and we were married for 62 years. I am so grateful for the years we had but it doesnt make it easier.I was his carer for a long time and then the last 10 months he was in a Nursing Home. I am finding I dont want to leave the house even though people say I must and I dont want to socialise at all. My children are good and check up on me every day but I cant settle to do anything. I miss my husbands voice and his loving ways so much. Pam


Hello Pam,

I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I am not surprised you are broken. Sixty two years is such a long time together. It’s difficult to know what to do for the best. Try to go out or stay in where you feel more secure. The loneliness can become so consuming so seeing people can help even though you might not think so. I am like that at times. My husband died six months ago and we were together fifty years. I miss him so much.

I really wish you well Pam. Take care.X

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I am sorry for your loss Pam you were to gether a very long time, I was with my husband 13 years married nearly 5 years he was diagnosed with cancer on the 6 of April this year and passed away 4 weeks later I am absolutely crushed, my heart goes out you and my thoughts are with you x

Hi Teresa 2
Thank you for your message. I feel for you.

Hello Loobyloo2

Thank you for your message. We were together all the time until my husband went into the Nursing Home and I visited all the time Covid allowed. I was supposed to be the stronger one but this has crushed me.

Take care. Pam x