Losing my husband

@Cheekyred17 I’m so sorry that you lost your partner and dad in such a short time. I lost my husband suddenly just over 5 months ago. We had just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. Never thought 3 months later I would be arranging his funeral. It is so horrible isn’t it. Not looking forward to this journey without my husband. I hope you are having lots of support from family and friends. Big hugs xx


I m so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love and hugs.


Aw thank you…i try to be titanium but it doesn’t work out sometimes.
You take care and i hope the same for youy love xx


AW … how sweet though :slight_smile: you know what my brother did … bless him … he made a website about my husbands life in it so that the grandchildren can read it now or when they get older xxx


Aww that is lovely debs. Bless him… did he add photos of your hubby so the grandchildren can see the many stages of him from a young man? I brought lots of pictures frames and going to get around to put pictures of my husband through his stages of life xx

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I talk to someone. I talk to the only person who ever really knew me inside out. I talk to my wife who died in September. Before she was too poorly with the cancer that killed her, she said to me: “If I die, you will talk to me won’t you”.
So, I do. I talk to her every day. I feel her presence with me on and off throughout the day. Sometimes I REALLY feel she’s right beside me. I just get a wonderful feeling coming over me when that happens. I just say: “You’re here aren’t you”. That’s when I talk to her most. It really helps me cope. I know some people will think I’m mental, but it doesn’t matter if it’s real, imaginary, scientific fact or mumbo-jumbo. The FACT that it makes me feel better is what’s helping me to keep strong. Do whatever makes YOU feel better and able to cope. The only right way to deal with this is your own way.


Yeh he did add pictures - even one when he was 5 … then through his life xx


No , no i believe you can feel their spirit still :frowning: i can feel my husbands spirit around at different times - especially at the beginning .of all this i could feel it really strongly . but i get so sad hes not here in person … he has such a big presence. Thats what i find the hardest to cope with tbh - not talking to him in person or seeing him x


Hi all, thanks for replying. I do still talk to him all the time, and i knew him well enough for the answers. I dont no if i feel him or not, maybe its just too raw, i fnd white feathers everywhere i go tho, and had some strange things happen, but i dont no if im imagining it or what? i may be going slightly crazy! I knew losing him would be bad… and this is way worse, but i don’t need to tell u all that. Ive got a friends wedding today, its going to be hard, but i need to do this… for myself and my daughter. I just hope i can handle it :pray:


Yeh i agree its way worse thsn you think or imagine :frowning: hope your wedding goes ok xx


Me too. That’s exactly how I feel.


I see white feathers floating when there isnt any birds around…keep that thpught in you heart…i always say hi ian x


I have a magpie that sits on my lawn every day. I always say Hi Tom. He supported Newcastle United and their mascot is a magpie.