Losing my husband

It’s been 4 months I don’t know what I’m doing I’m lost please any advice for me please


Hi Angie
So sorry for your loss. 4 months is such early days of course your heads all over the place. I’m 3 years down this road and still have bad days. We all grieve differently there’s no time limits. Just take each day as it comes and if you want to cry you cry losing our soulmates is one of the hardest things ever and your doing great. Its a sign of how much we loved them to grieve so much.
I’m just been told today that my dad died yesterday his wife rang me this morning dont know how i feel really as we wasn’t that close in the last few years also hes not having a funeral so dont get to say goodbye. You look after yourself .


Hi misprint , so sorry about your dad . I can understand how you don’t know how you feel about it . When my brother died , I was sad , but the pain was no where near as losing my partner . That was the worst ever , and I know I will never feel as much pain ever in my life again . Hope you are keeping well health wise , look after yourself , sending big hugs x


Hi misprint thank you for your reply, it is early feels like it was yesterday keep replaying the day over and over . I’m so sorry about your dad it’s going to be hard for you with no funeral I wish you all the love and strength to get through it but I get you losing my soulmate been with him since I was 19 and I’m 49 and a widow now my future isn’t what it was going to be I’ll be facing the future on my own x

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It’s a different pain losing my husband I’ve lost my brother 16years ago then my dad a year after but losing my husband hurts physically hurts I don’t make plans I don’t want to be happy without him he was my world , now I feel guilty because I have 4 kids youngest is 16 I need to be there for them it’s never ending the guilt, the pain , sorry I’m rambling sending hugs


@Kiddo74 , so sorry for your loss . Yes the pain is awful , there are no words to describe the loss of a partner , future everything gone . It’s been almost two and half years since my husband died . We were together from 16 year old , he died at age 59 . He was the only adult life I knew . I can’t say it gets easier , but in time you adapt to the life you now have . I don’t like my life now , it’s so lonely and boring . And I just ache for my husband all the time . But I have to just keep putting one foot Infront of the other and keep going . I have two adult kids and also grandkids , I can’t and don’t want to let them know how unhappy I am . So I put a brave face on for them , they still have their life to lead , this site has been my lifeline , knowing I’m not alone in how I feel , your not rambling at all . Just saying how you feel . We are all here to try and help each other . Sending hugs xtake carex


Hi I lost my husband in oct and it still feels like yesterday he had short illness about 12 weeks waiting for appointments CT scan endoscopy but sadly was all to late he went into hospital on 3rd and passed away on 6th and my world crumbled we had been married 44yrs I miss him so much but just trying to take one day at a time. I have gone back to work but only 3 days as I find that enough I feel safer at home in my little bubble at work it’s like I have to put on the performance which after a while takes its toll. Take care everyone :heart:

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@Julie130 so sorry for your loss . I went back to work 4 months after my husband died. At first it was very hard , I was so quiet , and hated hearing all about colleagues lives with their partners . Especially when all they seemed to do was call them . And sometimes when I walked up to them and their conversation stopped I became so paranoid. It’s over two years now . I know I will never be the same person I was . But some days I shock myself by having a laugh or coming out with something funny . Being at work has given me a routine, in this lonely life I now have . Xtake carex

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