Losing my husband

Hey :wave: im new to this and im judy and lost my husband just over 3 weeks ago and had his funeral and he was my world my soulmate and my carer. It was unexpected and the shock is heartbreaking and I’m so deverstated and lost.

Hello Judy,
I lost my husband 4 weeks ago. It is devastating. It has been a huge shock to me because it was so sudden. I am glad you found this site. Everyone has been very kind and supportive because we are all suffering the same heartbreak.
Hugs xx

Hi, yes I lost my husband 5 weeks ago. We were married 54 years i miss him so much.

Judy I kept myself going till the funeral then found I had nothing to do to keep my mind busy. The funeral is hard isn’t it

Hi @Judy10

I’m so sorry for your loss

I’m glad you’ve found this site but I’m so sorry you’ve had to.

You will be very raw at the moment but that will ease. Its not going to be easy but we’re all here to listen and support you.

Sending you big hugs x

I’m not sure what to say and do on here. Not sure if people have replied or not. I’m not great with words and didn’t think I would need to talk to someone. Even though my husband was older then me. No one see this coming x

Oh Judy

You can say what you like on here. No one will judge. Everyone will support you.

Just say what you want. How you are feeling. Your hopes. Your dreams. Talk about your husband. Anything you feel like.

Read through some of the other posts and you’ll see we talk about everything.

Srnding you love and hugs

Liz x x

Had my husband funeral yesterday and that was so so painful and it’s like living in a nightmare and I’m waiting to wake up and i will have my husband back and i went to see him in Chapel of rest and he looked perfect just like he was asleep and I think that’s worse when someone doesn’t look ill. It’s horrible and I’m so broken and lost. Sorry for your loss x