Losing My Love

Hello ,I’m new on here, just want someone to talk to ,I feel so lost :cry:

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Hiya Sandra lost my husband November 11th 2020 it’s grieve I still cry everyday but not all day you have lost most important person in your life it’s normal believe me so take care lv annie x x x

Dear @Sandra68

Welcome to the community. Tell us about yourself and how we can support you. Glad you have reached out to us. You will find loads of support here.

Take care.


Hello Sandra feeling lost is very common when you’re lost the love of your life. I lost my husband in August and still feel like I’m in a black hole not knowing what to do and feeling absolutely devastated. Don’t think we will ever get past this this is my like now just day to day existence :sob:

Sandra we’re here for you anytime lv annie x x x

Hi Sandra. Sending hugs xxx

Thank you x