Losing my Mum.

Mum passed away 12th April aged 83 after a few weeks in hospital,it was her lung condition that finished her.
When I think of that time,towards the end she kept apologising that she couldn’t speak to me as much as we always used to talk to each other.
She was telling me she wanted to drop off the end of the world as a warning to me,to say she had enough of struggling to survive.
This week I’m away from home having a little caravan holiday,I go home tomorrow but I’m dreading it,I’ve felt a bit better away from home,but the thought of ordinary life with work etc.fills me with dread.
I find the strangest thing can upset me regarding Mum, I so miss her and our chats,she could make me feel better and no one else can do that…I’m 63 in September,but feel like a child wanting Mum back,I’ve tried to say to one of my brother’s about it in text messages but he ignores the subject…


I hear you. My passed 2 weeks ago funeral Monday, I am on autopilot and finding it hard to cry, mum was 91 and spent the last 9 weeks in hospital/care home, after a fractured pelvis and double pneumonia, mum had difficulty talking and words we’re similar to what my mum said. I am 67. One day at a time is my go mantra at the moment