Losing my.mum

I lost my mum in May .She wanted to be at home so my sister and i took care of her. It was so hard and still cannot accept she has gone. I was closer to my mother than my sister was. I used to call her every day and see her at least twice a week. I have this void now


Hi, so harsh, it’s a very difficult time. Read up on all the advice online about grief because there’s a lot of helpful perspective. This forum has many posts from those suffering similar feelings so you might find it useful. Best wishes xx

I lost my Mum at Christmas in similar circumstances and it is very tough. As well as your grief you have been through a traumatic and distressing experience which takes time to process. Be kind to yourself and take each day at a time. Perhaps also seek some support from your sister as some of your feelings may be similar to hers and you can help each other. Best wishes to you x


So sorry for your loss Lucy. Your situation sounds similar to mine, me and my mum were so close, we spoke every single day and now nothing. It’s too hard to take isn’t it. My dad also died 15 years ago and now I have no parents, which I didn’t expect to happen just yet. Every day is so hard, the void is huge and pain is so deep. I have a sister too and she is very upset but has distractions and didn’t do as much as I did for my mum when she was poorly, so I have all the upsetting memories too. You are not alone xxx

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So sorry for your loss. I lost my mum suddenly at the end of December and this journey is awful without her. She lived just a few doors down and I only ever had my mum as she was a single parent and was always there for me and my son. We both miss her so much and yes there is a huge void in our lives. Nothing anyone can say can make you feel better but you are not alone in feeling like this


Thank you its so hard . It will take time but good to know other people understand x

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Please try to take some comfort in the fact you were able to care so closely for her in her last days/hours and hopefully say things that you wanted to say. It really is an honour to be able to do this but one that maybe you wont be able to recognise just yet. I take comfort in sending my mum WhatsApp messages and listening to voice notes she left me. The void is almost unbearable but don’t allow it to swallow you up. You have a life to live in her honour and memory. Good luck and God Bless


Thank you for those lovely words. Yes we were all lucky to spend her last days with her and be able to say what we wanted. I will get there and it is comforting to talk to people who understand. But you know what a void it leaves xx god bless

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The deeper the love, the deeper the loss. :frowning: Xx


Hi, I lost my Mam May 2022 so have just gone past the first memorial. She was 74 when she passed with cancer, 6 weeks after my nephew suddenly passed at 28. She was poorly for 10 weeks, only 2 weeks before was she diagnosed. We did everything together, she really was my best friend in every sense of the word. She didn’t want it confirming that she had cancer she told the dr, she didn’t want to know. She knew but never spoke to any of us about anything. I think she only realised when it was too late. Her passing wasn’t easy, she fought it.

I seemed to be quite strong at first. Moved house, back home near family with my husband. I would say this year it’s really hit me. It’s got worse not better. My GP told me yesterday I have extended grief. I’d say delayed grief.

It’s just awful. So you aren’t alone xx


Lucy I know exactly how you feel, the void is enormous, I cared for mum at home too, I still can’t believe she is gone, she was my best friend, I feel so lost, I have no immediate family member’s left,


Thank you for the lovely messages. Yep dont feel i have come to terms with her loss yet. Doesn’t matter how other people see you. I do have great friends and family but feel so alone. Xx