losing my mum

i am so lost with out my mum, it was a year two days ago.


I lost my Mum coming up to 5 months now and don’t think I’ll ever feel normal myself and I know that I will always feel lost.
Although my Dad is still with me I feel like a lost child so I get where you’re coming from.
Sorry I don’t have any magic words to take away your pain but it helps sometimes to know that you’re not alone x


Thank you. I am sorry for your loss x

Hi i lost my mam 6 years ago and my dad 6 months ago it is so hard. I admit I am struggling so badly and I hope that the pain will gradually ease. I am so sorry for your loss. Take care xxx

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thank you i appreciate that.
i hope you are okay i am here always, private message me or message me here, i am always here even if you want to rant i am here xx
i am sorry for your loss xx

Thank you for your reply. I am having a particularly bad day today, Monday’s always are but just to know that other people care is a help. Mam and dad had a talking clock which is in my wardrobe now and when I opened the door last Monday the clock just spoke the time without anything being near it so I know that they are with me. Take care xxx


I too lost my mum in April, I went away recently and it was just what I needed and was feeling better but then just cried for the last 2 days and have no motivation. Try to plan little things to look forward to but most of all talk to a friend or family member. I worry about burdening my friends and crying all the time but feel so much better after a chat. It comes in waves but then knocks my confidence as I thought I was starting to able to talk about mum without crying. Here for you.


My friends seem to be none existent but i have my partner who’s been my rock, I feel bad going on about it all the time though as he lost his grandad like 2 months before my mum went, this year has been the worst year of our lives.

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My partner has also been brilliant but don’t want to be always crying. Hate burdening anyone but somehow talking does help x


You certainly find out who your real friends are. Always here for a natter if you’re having a bad day x

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Thank you that’s very kind of you, the same goes for you, I’m only a message away x

As for my friends they don’t seem to check in on me at all these days and I went out with them last weekend and I may as well not been there.

They literally had their backs to me during conversation and because I’m grieving it got to me more and I just ended up leaving them and going home x


I’ve found that only my friends who have lost someone close understand and are sympathetic. It’s a selfish world we live in, everyone’s only interested in themselves :confused:Take care xx


Thank you i appreciate that x

Thank you x