Losing my mum

Hi.I lost my mum last year.I struggle each day with grief.It is affecting my home life with my fiance.I can sometimes be ok but small things set me off crying.
I am a 52 year old guy with a job I love,a fantastic fiance,great loving family,great friends and a good life.
The thing is I get worked up over small things like dropping my keys,being in a queue,not being able to find my phone…
I mean really worked up.
I use the gym to let off steam and its great when I am in there but once the rush from the excercise has disipated I am back to feeling so low.
I have many interests such as vinyl record collecting,astronomy,movies and reading but I just keep thinking about my mum.
I know she wouldn’t want me to be like this but I cant help it.
Thank you.

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I lost my Dad 3 weeks ago , but I lost my brother over 20 years ago - it’s so raw and I feel
So isolated even though I have my other brother , mum and my own family .
I can’t focus on anything at all . It’s so overwhelming. I just miss his so much it hurts .
It’s good that you are able to go to the gym to let off steam .

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Hi a year isn’t a long time grief doesnt give you a timeline when it ends,it doesn’t i lost my mam last October and im really struggling right now every day is a different challenge for me like you i am so very angry right now ,i broke my kitchen bin today because the lid wouldn’t go on …sounds crazy i know but thats my grief give yourself a break and be kind to yourself,and if i could listen to me id be feeling better, so i know its not easy ,apart from the gym find something that makes you smile instead of using energy xx


Mum passed away 7 weeks ago and feels so raw. Don’t feel that I’ve had time to grieve properly as we had to make sure that Dad is taken care of. Mum was his main carer as he has heart problems and early dementia. Her loss has been devastating and so unexpected. Dad has been diagnosed as being in the last few months of his life so needs palliative care. Finding things very overwhelming at the moment.


I lost my mum in May. I am struggling with waves of grief now (not as intense, but boy, it hurts like crazy). I visit the cemetery most days, just to chat and get things off my chest (even though no-one is there to listen to me; it helps) and I’m sure they are looking down on us and guiding us. It’s only 4 months but I miss her so so much. It’s just one day at a time. Wish I could give you some solid advice. Looks like you are coming up to just about a year since her passing. That is going to make you feel pretty sh*t. Going to the gym I guess helps the tension; however I know how you feel about the anger. I am so angry all the time. Angry when my neighbours (like right now are banging and driving me crazy, just want to scream!) It’s just part of grief. Every emotion coming out. Have you tried counselling? Or do you have friends you could discuss with? You could try reading some grief books, some of them give good advice. I don’t think there is any easy, way out of this unfortunately. Life sucks! xx

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