Losing my mum

I lost my mum In January due to something that could have been avoided. I miss her more and more every day, i feel so lost

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Hi Angel i lost my mum in April and at the moment it is getting worse for me too. I have no explanation but you are not alone and sharing in here can help,. No one else wants to talk or hear about the loss after this long they don’t understand that is deepening rather than fading, but let it all out on here we understand.
Have you accessed any counselling ? its not a magic wand but it will help to process things.
take care

Exactly this. My Mum died suddenly in May from something that should have been identified during many doctors appointments and could have been prevented. It rubs salt in the wound.

Similarly to the first reply you’ve received - I too feel people are getting bored. There’s actually only one person not related to me that checks in on a regular basis.

I just want my Mum back so much. I miss her more than I can say. I just have a huge whole in my life that feels so empty now.

Nothing I can say will make you feel any better at this point but just know you’re not alone. I really feel it for you and more. I hope you can make sense of the grief at some stage and move forward. Sending you lots of love.