Losing my partner

I lost my partner 2 weeks ago i can’t sleep eat even trying to day to
Day stuff is hard i just didn’t want to be here anymore my friends and family keep saying it will get easier but i don’t think so

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I’m sorry. This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, so I get it. We all do on here. X


Oh @kaydo1
I’m so sorry for your loss.

I would like to say that it will get easier in time as you get used to it and learn to cope.
But the pain never goes you just learn to live with it.

You are so raw at the moment and I know you feel like you will never get over this.
You will start to cope as time goes on. It’s like being on a rollercoaster some highs and lots of lows.

By coming on this site you will be able to chat with lots of people who really understand, because we are all on the same horrific journey, all at different stages but all here for you, to listen and support you.

Sending you big hugs x


Hi @kaydo1

I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s devastating to lose a life partner :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Your going to feel emotions that you have never felt before, the worst pain ever imaginable but I promise you will not feel like this forever. At he beginning it’s impossible to think that you’ll ever be ok again, but you will. Not evey moment will be dreadful.

You have found a safe place to talk about how you are feeling, nothing is silly and you will not be judged. Please come on for a chat whenever you need to release those feelings or thoughts. Everyone on here truly understand and will be so supportive.

It’s 11 weeks on Sunday since my beautiful man said farewell, and I’ve come along way since then. You are stronger than you think. Hang in there!

Sending lots of love and hugs :purple_heart: xxx


Five weeks tonight for me. I didn’t think I could last a week without my husband because the pain was so bad. To tell the truth, I didn’t want to last a week. But I did, and so will you. Take an hour at a time, one foot in front of the other. Keep checking in here. We are all in the same boat, supporting and holding each other up. Xx


When i try and close my eyes all i see is her i keep thinking this is a nightmare and im going to wake up i hate when people keeps asking me if I’m OK i know they trying to help but sometimes i wish they leave me alone.


Oh @kaydo1

I totally understand how you are feeling. You’ll see her for along time when you close your eyes, that’s completely normal. Close your eyes and remember her beautiful face :purple_heart:

People will ask if you are ok because they care and don’t know what to do to support you. Maybe turn your phone on do not disturb so you don’t have to see texts asking if your ok. If it’s people asking in person just say your not ok and you’d rather not talk about it.

It’s your grief and you grieve how it feels right to you. There is no right or wrong way. Don’t worry about offending anyone. Please be kind to yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x


It is truly awful and I’m so sorry that you find yourself here
This is the hardest and most difficult thing you will ever have to do in your life so don’t expect too much of yourself. If you make it to the end of the day you are doing all you can.
It’s so hard, so painful, but in time the pain will ease and you will manage to get through the day with less difficulty.
Keep posting on this site - as others have said we know how it is and we understand. You are not alone in this.
Sending strength to you xxx


It’s when i go back to work coming home to a empty home i don’t know if i can handle it is it wrong that i want to move out this home because there to many memories here

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Please hang in there @kaydo1

I felt exactly the same at the beginning.
Gradually, without you even noticing it you will come to realise that being at home isn’t so bad. Home, where all your memories are, and where she is still in spirit. You will come to cherish those memories.

Please don’t rush into anything.
I was advised to wait a year before I made any decisions. That’s probably good advice, don’t act in haste.
You will learn to cope. Just take it one step, one day at a time.

Take care
Big hugs
Liz x



It’s crap isn’t it! You’ve lost your “home” ( I did a post about this, my partner was my home) as @Liro said don’t make any decisions just yet.

Work can wait, there’s is no rush. I’m planning on going back not next week the week after. I’ve got to to the point where I feel like I need some routine back in my life (when he first died I thought my life was over and id never return to work), although I’m nervous about it and will be looking at my phone all day to see if he’s miraculously texted me. I do miss him checking in throughout the day telling me he misses me and can’t wait see me or that he loves me…I think that’s going to the hardest and not rushing home to make us a nice tea. Bloody hell not being much help today, just got back home after being busy all day. I find the weekends the hardest as we always spent the weekends together. Ffs its bloody shit. Sorry, well at least your not on your own feeling so crap!


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Hi … I am 54 and I am 5 weeks into my husband passing , prior to that he was in a coma for 3 weeks.
I honest didn’t think I could do one day without him and didn’t really want to .
I have up and down days but I do believe that with every day that passes I get that little tiny bit stronger .my future and our plans have been shattered. I now have to focus on our children and take care of us all as that is what my husband would have wanted .
Keep going and stay strong x


Hi, Your story is almost identical to mine. I lost my husband 5 weeks ago, he was also in a coma for 3 weeks after a cardiac arrest. I have ok days and hellish ones, especially weekends. Xx

Six weeks for me tomorrow. Such pain panic and fear,
I am grateful for the support and it’s good to hear from others further along who say the raw grief is a little easier.
So hard to keep going.

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Its the worst thing is being home alone be on this site know other people going through the same makes me feel am not alone Its when you look out outside and the world just keeps go when my life’s turned upside down and the day’s getting longer

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I know it’s the hardest thing in the world. It’s surprising how strong we actually are! I couldn’t help look at other people and think I’d rather they had died. Some of the things that I thought, I actually couldn’t believe it. You will feel crazy at times! But honestly your feelings will be less intense and because further apart :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Have you watched afterlife? It’s worth a watch, someone recommended it on here.



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I’m here if you need me x

I was the same , didn’t think I could do a day without my wife as we were virtually never apart , didn’t want to , still don’t want to . But 3 1/2 months into this nightmare I’m still here , some days living hour to hour , but still here .


Yes we are all strong …

Saying that ., tonight is a massive struggle … he’s not where he used to sit and I can’t quite believe it x