Losing my special Mum

I lost my mum suddenly in November 2022, I feel like I have lost the power to carry on day after day, we did everything together, she was my rock in the world she helped me and supported me through the most toughest times in my life she never judged she was loyal she was the most beautiful person in the world, I really scared of what life is ahead of me, I am sitting here feeling like my chest is craving in with a lump in my throat, I just wish I could touch cuddle and tell my mum I love her so much, life can be so cruel sometimes, my mum was such a big part of me I feel like a piece of my puzzle is missing, life is just really sad :broken_heart:


Hi @KayEdmonds,
My mom passed away 2 years ago, & you are not alone. Our parents are a big part of our lives, my mom to me was like a safety net, & now it feels like I’m walking a type rope without my safety net to catch me if I fall, it’s scary, but 2 years on, I’m still here, though I’ve spent so much of the last 2 years on autopilot I’ve no idea how I got here. I guess because of how we grow up with our parents always there, & they are there for us through so much, we get complacent, feeling they’ll always be there, though we know realistically that no-one lives forever, so it hits us harder when they pass. Sending hugs of support.


Thank you so much :heartpulse:

Sorry for your loss to pray :pray: you get through this

Life is just really hard feel like I am missing my piece of puzzle

My mum was so so special just like all our mums

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I lost my mum just over 4 weeks ago. Like you she was with me throught everything, all my hospital stays when i was younger, when i had my hip replacement 6 years ago, my mum moved things around in her house to make it easier for me. When she got diagnosed with cancer nearly 4 years ago, we would do weekly charity shop trips, i would go and see her and my dad. I feel so lost without her. Both my siblings live abroad my dad lives about a 40 minute drive from me

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I am so so sorry it’s heartbreaking, you feel like your world has been destroyed :broken_heart:

Pray you are ok :heartpulse:

My mum did the same for my daughter she has been in and out of hospital since a young age just like you, and when she had a big operation my daughter was in hospital for three months and not one day my mum missed, she stayed with my daughter why I went to work, then she left to get my younger son from school and looked after both of my sons why I stayed with my daughter, my mum was the only one who understood how hard I was having it, she told me everyday I was brave and she was so proud of me how I coped.

I was 50 one week then the next week my special mum passed, she just collapsed indoors why we popped out to get fish and chips, the ambulance services worked on my mum for ages then transferred her to hospital, they tried there best but couldn’t save her, the worst thing was my mum had to go to coroners which we only got her back a week before Christmas, it was heartbreaking enough just losing such a big massive special person let alone not being able to see her, I just feel like my world has fallen apart.

I wake up having panic attacks, I feel sick all the time and I just don’t know how I can move forward without my mum in my life.

Just feel like life can be so unfair.

I pray you get through this, it’s so so hard

You take care of yourself x


Its is so hard, especially when your mum is your rock.
My mum would always stand up for me and was always there for me.
She had gone into hospital as she was falling a lot and having headaches, they wanted to do an mri scan sooner. She passed the first night she was in, i didnt get to say goodbye to her, we all thought she would be out again.
She was one of the strogest women i knew, she never let it get her down, 4 weeks before she passed she made it to Australia, with my dad, so she could see my brother a d his kids. In the January she had gone to south africa to see my sister and her kids.
I dont have any kids, or a partner, i just have a dog, my mum adored my dog and my dog adored my mum. Her and my dad would say my dog was a special dog as she was always so good with my mum.

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We have to think of the good times and try to keep going.

Hope your ok x

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Hi @Rhi94,
My mom passed away 2 years ago from brain tumors, it was a very aggressive cancer. Dreams are an interesting subject, about a night or 2 after my mom passed, I had a dream my mom came to see me, she was wearing her black coat, & she told me when she passed there was a little man called Colin, & he was there to talk to her about everything she’d done in life, to help her come to terms with the way she had treated people & the way she’d reacted to things, it was a very surreal kind of dream, but it seemed to put me at ease. Sorry to hear your having a recurring nightmare, I hope it calms down soon. With dreams, even the bad ones, I find it helps to try to interpret what I think it means, whether it’s something psychological, like from my own worries or concerns, or whether I feel it’s warning me about something. What do you think?


Thank you :heartpulse:

God Bless

Look after yourself


I am the same as you.lost my mum last Dec and it hurts so much.The pain is unbearable
Big hugs

I’m sorry to hear that you are so sad. It’s hard to explain to anyone else in your life, how it really feels to lose someone that knew your soul so well. Someone that you never had to explain yourself to.

My dad passed away in 2021, sometimes i feel that way too
I hope things feel better soon x

I lost my mum in 2020 5 days before the lockdown from Cancer. I remember my Auntie her sister telling me and my siblings something that I remember each day. It will be hard but you will be ok.

Remember that creating a normal for yourself is the best thing you can do. Your mum would want you to enjoy life and be happy and do the things you would want to do.

Not going to say it gets easier because don’t think it does its about putting one foot in front of another and acknowledge your feelings and recognise what helps for you talk to her she still will give you advice,do what you have to do grief is a journey and never ends and remember it is ok to be sad, anger and also to be happy.