Losing my step sister

Hi i lost my step sister in 2019 it was sudden death i didnt even say good by to her as i was not in contact with her as her new partner she was with didnt let her two step sisters talk to her she died of a heart attack with a blood clot i am so up set about this as i was closevto to her and i dont now if i ever can move on the worse part for me is that i neaver said goodbye to her thats makes me realy sad

Hello @Angela9,

Thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry for the loss of your step-sister. It sounds like not being able to say goodbye to her and tell her how you feel has been so hard for you.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support. In the meantime, you may also find these Sue Ryder resources helpful as you cope with the death of your step-sister.

Take good care - you are not alone.


I’m so sorry to hear that you were deprived of seeing your sister and the chance of saying goodbye. It sounds really awful for you . I hope that you can find some support here. I lost my sister 3 years ago but was fortunate enough to be with her at the end but I know my mum wishes so much she could have been with her to kiss her goodbye

I am so sorry about your lost of your lost of your sister