We won’t be alone for the rest of our lives ( hopefully ). It does help speaking to other people that are in the same position. Anytime you want a chat just send me a message. Take care.
Hello Jason,
I’m so sorry to read of your loss, and of your own illness as well. I lost my husband in February of this year, so I know that it is very hard to go on. I think that often people register the loss of a loved one, but not the loss of a whole way of life, and the memories that go with it. There is no easy fix, and we all have to cope in the best way that we can. I send you my love and best wishes for a future with less pain. Jayne xxx
Hi, thanks for your kind words, part of me has died as well that is only how I can describe it. The memories of her will live on in me, I will never take life for granted again, I have to treat every day like it could be my last.
Hi Jason,
Me too. I have to believe that my husband will never leave me, or I just couldn’t cope. Whenever I have to make a big decision, I think ‘what would Stewart’s advice be?’. I suppose eventually I will become more self reliant but it’s nice to think that he still has an input. xx
when I lost my mother, I had the same button!
I imagined a red button and a green button on the wall, and if I pressed the green one, I would die and be with my mom and dad.
that green button was the most comforting thought, because I did, and often still, would rather be off this planet than live here without them.