Losing my wonderful son

That’s a beautiful way to remember her :heart:

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That must have been dreadful for you all, it’s all just so distressing to have to even contemplate that they have gone to then have to agree to this. I’m so sorry for your loss xxx


I lost my wonderful Dan on 15th November. He suffered heart failure due to having Duchenne muscular dystrophy. He was 33.
So far I have learnt that grief is a reflection of the love we have. It isn’t an illness to be got over or a problem to be solved. Dan was my only child and I am a single Mum. The loneliness has been one of the hardest challenges.
Initially I was in shock because he went into hospital with a chest infection and none of his medical team expected him to die then. All my brain kept repeating on a loop was “Dan is dead” every minute of every day. Now I only think it a couple of times a day.
I miss him so much and it’s a physical ache. I realise now that I have to live with it and the pain doesn’t go away. I still long to die and be reunited with him.
Family are not supportive. Friends have been wonderful and kept me going when just breathing was exhausting.
I talk to Dan every day. I said good morning and good night to him every day.
His birthday isn’t till August so I hope to be prepared. In the meantime all his medical equipment has left our home. I like to think he doesn’t need it now because he is fit and well in Heaven. I am nearly12 weeks closer to being reunited with him. Thank God time goes faster when you get older.
I understand your pain. We belong to a club none of us chose to join. Keep breathing and taking it one moment at a time.


Sending my deepest condolences on the loss of your Dan. Your words are very eloquent and sum up how I, and no doubt other parents on this forum, feel. You are right in saying that grief is not an illness and it can’t be cured, no matter how many pills the doctors may dish out. I hope this meeting place of bereaved parents may help you to feel a little less lonely.


For my birthday I went to my son’s burial site and planted snowdrops For his birthday we, his fiancee and his sister are going somewhere beautiful in nature with his friends. He loved nature and I feel close to him in the forest. I hope you find a place to feel close to your son too


I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. It’s 6 years this year since our beautiful boy decided that he could not live in this world anymore. This month we would have celebrated his 28th birthday. This month will be another reminder of all the things we’ve missed out on as a family.
The pain never goes away and indeed, for me, seems to intensify.
This year we look forward to our eldest getting married but I know that the pain we will feel on that day will be horrendous as Calum won’t be there to be his brothers best man.
Who knows how to move forward? Some days it feels like walking in mud.
Today the sun is shining and I’m trying to feel positive. I woke up today, I have a husband who loves me. We have a son who is getting married and we have memories to be made. But that pain of losing your child, for me, will never diminish.
I’m sending you positive thoughts and love for you and your loved ones


So Zac’s birthday has come and gone, it was a very hard day for me, I just sat most of the morning and cried. In the afternoon I went for a walk it was the last place Zac and me walked together. All my closest friends remembered it was his birthday and called or messaged me.
Later on I went and sorted some of his stuff out, we just bagged everything up from his flat when he died and it’s just been sat there ever since, so at least I’ve made a start on that, it was very sad though. Now I’ve got the 6 month milestone at the beginning of March :heart:


I’m not sure if milestones will ever be easy, Ben died in November, he was found on a Friday so for me Fridays are a milestone each week.
I haven’t faced his birthday yet.
Xmas was not as bad as I’d thought it might be but New Year was worse.
Mother’s Day will be the next one, and it falls on my birthday this year. We’re going to be on holiday in the UK as I’d booked this last summer. I don’t know if that will help or not.


Yes Mondays are always difficult for me as that’s the day Zac was found, he would have been 22 on his birthday and it was 22 weeks since he was found. On Mothers day I’ve booked a couple of days away with my 5 friends who have really supported me since Zac died I didn’t realise it was Mother’s day when I booked but I think it will help having all my friends around me.