Losing partner

I lost my partner a week and a half ago and I’m struggling so much with guilt feeling depressed and not wanting to do anything! I have children ( not with him) but I can’t even face doing housework or making meals and I’m snappy with people
I just don’t see how I’m meant to move forward and I’m also trying to sell my house and it’s just draining! :sob:

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I feel your pain take one day at a time I was like that when I lost my fiancé angry no energy etc but I had to carry on for my children even though they are older I have to carry on he wouldn’t want me to be depressed all the time our relationship ship wasn’t fantastic but we had each other he also leaves behind a 15 year old but she’s dis owned me because I took some personal thing which I gave him and they banned me from his funeral it’s been 6 months it’s never gets any easier I was fine yesterday out with friends today I’m a blubbering mess grief is love with no place
To go it will take time but if you have children remember they need you as well xx

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