Losing someone to suicide.

Everything is just so much and I don’t know how to deal with it. It was so unexpected and it is always clouding my mind and I can’t focus on much else and it’s effecting my work. Any advice on dealing with it?

Hello @Me2,

I’m so sorry for your loss - sadly, we have many members who have lost someone to suicide and will understand some of what you are going through.

You may wish to take a look at the following websites and organisations offering support to people who have bereaved by suicide:

You might also want to explore our Online Bereavement Support, where you find our Grief Guide self-help platform, our Grief Coach text support service, and how to access our Online Bereavement Counselling.

Do take care - keep reaching out,

Our loss is very different to others because we have the if/why’s unanswered questions :broken_heart::broken_heart: you take baby steps and sounds silly but breathe slowly you need to look after yourself it ok to feel angry /sad/helpless
try not to keep your emotions in let it all out try talking to family/friends anyone that new your loved one reach out for help there our so many organisations that can help you that can be over whelming when looking I found a amazing group on Facebook called sucide bereavement support UK you our not alone


Thank you I really do appreciate it.

It is a different kind of loss, im 15 weeks in and still unable to function in most areas of life, as Madge1 said lots of why, what Ifs , I should have done/seen. I find the Sobs boards handy as others know all these extra feelings

Hi. Believe me it will always hurt…but you start to find it easier. The main thing is…think about how much YOU hurt. And do not do that to someone you love…that saved my family x