Losing someone who I love

Today try and go for a walk

Please just tell me to shut up if you think am taking to much

Good Morning Jeff

Welcome to the club none of wanted to be in. Sadly we know what you are going through. I lost my wife of 33 years on 23rd May.

If you want to talk, I’m more than happy to chat, feel free to ping me a message.


No no your helping me by talking and it’s actually helping me, leanne wouldn’t want me to sit here and not talk to anyone she was a bubbly person and made everyone laugh she would help anyone who needs it she would actually give anyone her last £1, at the end she didn’t get the help what she needed she had to fight for everything as in pip, esa

Hi Andrew thank you im not coping it has hit me hard me and leanne have been together for 11 years but I guess it was her time to go, I appreciate the time I had with her we had some laughs and cries on our adventure

You are probably coping better than you think, it’s still very early days, at least you are talking to people.

The sleep/going to bed thing is horrible, It’s not getting much better for me.

I’m sorry for your loss, might be a stupid question but does it get easier

I’m not sure it’s gets easier, but you do learn to cope, even at 2 months it is getting better for me.

I’m happy to give you a call if you want to chat in person.

Jeff just keep thinking of happy times together I bet yous had loads

Hello @Snowwhite21, if only it was that easy, in the early stages of grief those memories also trigger a lot of emotions as you then tend to think of the future and what could have been.

I do understand but memories will always bring emotions

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Hi ive not long joined this sight, and have been reading both your posts,my heart and soul are dead, i cant function, make dissisions, sleep just cry and feel so lost and alone, I wish there was a way we could all meet and hold each other in our desperation. x


Hi Lyn sorry for your loss

I’m devastated, heart broken and not coping at all if I see or hear anything that reminds me of leanne I burst into tears I’m not eating and I’m sleeping having naps etc, it’s only been 4 days since leanne has passed away sadly we didn’t have any children but we do have 2 dogs which leanne said they were her babies they miss her so much :cry:

Friends and family have said it will get easier but I was depressed before leanne took ill I didn’t have a good up bringing and when I met leanne she took me for who I was and am she understood and I new she was a keeper I love her so much from the bottom of my heart we have been together for 11 years and I know that’s not much but for me it was magical but now I’m lost and I don’t know what to do it’s killing me I’m trying to stay positive.

oh bless you its so fresh, and i understant what your feeling, im 3 months into to this nightmare and it hasent got easier, i know that wont help the way your feeling, but its normal, i dont want to interact with anyone even my children and grandchildren, there trying to get me to interact but im numb inside and just want to be alone with my memories of the man who i survived for, i have middle aged children but they dont/cant understand this emptyness or insecurity im feeling. my brother moved to Scotland in feb and my sister is moving to Wales in the next couple of months, i feel iv lost every one and every thing that made me get out of bed in the morning, every one says go out join a club or orginisation, i just cant, i feel iv nothing left to live for apart for my little dog who needs me, hes 9 this month i dont know how long iv got with him, but when hes gone that will be another story God bless, i pray you find the faith and strenth to go on x