Losing those you love

I sat by my Mother as she passed away in 2009, I sat by my Father as he passed away in 2017 and then I sat by my Wife as she passed away in 2020. Its very difficult to come to terms with and I don’t think I will ever feel the same about life. I have good days and bad days but try to carry on.


Yes @Johnch life is VERY cruel, i am so sorry for all your losses!! I am finding it very hard to carry on after losing my partner in November of last year, she was the only good thing in my life xx :heart::heart:


Thank you for that and I hope you manage. My hardest part was to hold all of their hands when they passed and not be able to do anything about it. Take care xx John


Hi @Johnch
So sorry you have been through so much. Nothing takes that pain away but I’m sure they were each glad you were there with them. I think most of us would like to feel supported, as we end our lives, by the people we loved.

Sending you hugs. xxx


Oh, thank you x

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