Losing your mum

Although its been over a week since my mum passed away I feel so lost, each day I think I’m coping then something comes over me like a wave of emotions & it starts again, the guilt is horrible, the lost feeling is hard to cope with & just her presence not being there is so hard to cope with will things ever be the same ):


Hello Lynn,
I’m so sorry to hear about your mum . My mum passed away 6 weeks ago and I am heartbroken. I was her full time carer for 26

years and I am lost without her . Very early days for both of us and it is hard to cope . Take good care , thinking of you xx

Hi angie, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss too with your mum, I never thought it would be this hard the guilt is awful I feel so lost, I cared for her at home for the last 6 weeks they gave her 6 - 12 months so I feel really sad that it was so quick, I don’t think I will ever be the same again, you take care & my thoughts are with you xx

Hi Lynn
I won’t ever be the same either , a part of me died with my mum . I had no idea it would be this hard , I try my best everyday that’s all we can do . Thank you for your kind thoughts .
Love Angie x

I will keep in touch to see how you are doing, it’s a journey no one can ever be prepared for, it’s hard, its emotional & its trying to come to terms with a massive void that can never be replaced
Love Lynn x

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Thank you x

Hi angie hope your ok I sit hear listening to the birds outside & still feel like I’m in a dream each day I wake up it still doesn’t seem real, I find it hard to think I will ever be the same again ( most of me thinks I never will be) but that’s ok I try to take each day at a time & every day is a challenge, the saying goes,you don’t know what you had till it’s gone, that is so true, I miss mum so so much it’s hard I hope shes doing ok in heaven until we meet again, I hope your finding a way to cope & looking after your self, thinking of you
Take care
Lynn x

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Hi Lynn,
I’m doing ok , well as ok as I can be . Like yourself my first thought is of mum , horrible when it kicks in after those few seconds after you wake up. We never will be the same , we have to carry on but we are different inside . What keeps me strong is my belief that I will see her again one day in heaven . I’m sure both of our mum’s are doing ok and keeping an eye on us . Thank you for checking in on me . Take good care and we’ll chat again soon.
Love Angie xx

Hi angie, hope your doing ok, I had mums funeral today & as they always are it was tough, dad was so strong he did us proud, I miss my mum so much it’s so heartbreaking, I so wish I knew she was ok, I hope shes up there chatting with her mum :two_hearts:, life can be so cruel can’t it, how do we ever come through this? Take care of yourself, have a chat if you need too
Thinking of you
Lynn x

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Hi Lynn ,
Funerals are such an ordeal but we have to be strong and give our loved ones the send off they deserve . I read on another post where you said it was your mums funeral today and I was thinking of you . Today was ok for me until teatime and then I could feel myself sinking , then the tears started . I had a really good cry , does you good to let it out . Yes life can be very cruel , eight weeks tomorrow for me since my mum passed away. How do we come through this ? I honestly don’t know , all we can do is take it a day at a time . You take care of yourself too.
Love and hugs , Angie x

Hi angie hope your doing ok, the days just roll into one don’t they, mums funeral came and went all just seems a blur, still can’t believe she’s gone, would love to hear her voice again :pensive: yes all we can do is take one day at a time, the nights and mornings are hard even though you are exhausted from crying its hard to sleep, it’s a long journey ahead, you are in my thoughts hope everything ok
Love Lynn x

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Hello everyone

I found this forum by chance & hope you can offer some solace.

I was my Mother’s evening & overnight Carer for a good 8yrs. Mum had Advanced Alzheimer’s. We also had carers visit her x3 a day & someone who would sit with her whilst I was at work.

My Mother was in hospital for just over 2wks very recently because she developed shingles & then complications afterwards.

My dear Mother ‘let go’ in the early hours of yesterday morning, Sunday 8th August.

I know this is early days but how does one deal with the anxiety (sometimes in the middle of the night), the stressed feeling & lack of sleep?

I have medication from my Dr to hopefully reduce the anxiety, which has been building for the past 2wks when Mum was in hospital.

Will this get better as I’m so tired & my nerves are ‘jangling’ it seems constantly.

I feel slightly better as the day wears on though, strangely - has anyone experienced that also?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


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Hello ,
I’m so sorry to hear you lost your mum yesterday morning . I was my mum’s full time carer for 26 years and she passed away 8 weeks ago after suffering a stroke . I have just taken every day as it comes , feeling incredibly sad that she’s gone but had she survived my mum would have been paralysed on both sides of her body and she wouldn’t have wanted to live like that so I know it’s also a blessing . Just take your time , take care of yourself in any way possible and try to be strong for your mum . That’s how I keep going , I want mum to be proud of me . For some unknown reason yesterday was a very bad day for me , today I am coping a bit better . Thinking of you and sending much love . Angie xx

Hi Lynn,
Eight weeks for me now and still can’t believe mum has gone , each time I walk into the lounge I expect to see mum sitting in her chair . Yesterday , for some unknown reason , was very difficult but today so far is not too bad. The nights and mornings are difficult , especially when you first wake and after a few moments it hits you again like a tidal wave . I did have a dream about mum last night so that was lovely . It’s so exhausting and what we would give to hold and talk to our mums just once more . I’m doing okish thank you and I hope you are able to stay strong . Thinking of you.
Love Angie xx

Hi angie just over 4 weeks for me & it’s so hard yes the mornings are tough feel so drained & lost, I would give anything to have a dream about my mum I’ve had nothing at all since the day she left us it’s so soul destroying not having anything, I worry so much incase shes not ok, I just need to know shes alright :pensive:, hope your day going ok so far
Love Lynn xx

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Hi Lynn,
Your mum is ok , she will come to you when the time is right . I’ve had three dreams since mum passed , the second one was about six weeks ago . Today is going ok so far thank you, trying to keep busy to keep the tears away . Although I have been close a few times . Take care.
Love Angie xx

Hi angie, hope your doing ok, every day just seems the same at the moment , keep trying to focus on doing things to help get through, find myself still thinking about mum every minute of the day, still miss her so much, it seems so long since I last saw her my heart still aches :pensive: how you been coping? I’m still holding on the hope of hearing or seeing something from mum,its one thing that keeps me going, thinking of you
Lynn xx

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Hi Lynn ,
I’m not doing too bad thanks , although today I have felt more down . I try to keep busy as much as possible but mum is never far away , I went for a walk this afternoon and thought of mum all the time . I hope you get a sign from your mum soon . Good to hear from you and you take care of yourself .
Love Angie xx