Losing your mum

Hi. I’m Claire. I’m 39 from Scotland. I lost my mum on 6th of October 2024. She had Multiple Sclerosis. She was just 62 years old. She lived with me and she received care from Marie curie at home. She was surrounded by her loved ones and listening to her favourite Michael buble when she passed away. I never thought I would lose a parent so young. I miss her so much. My house no longer feels like home. I don’t have kids so it’s just me and my cats now. Every day is a battle to even get out of bed. If it wasn’t for my cats being hungry I probably wouldn’t. I am a type 1 diabetic and I admit I haven’t been taking the best care of myself lately. Please tell me this will get easier.

Hello @Clairey1888 ,

I’m part of the Online Community team and I can see that you are new to the community - I’d like to thank you for bravely starting this thread and sharing how you are battling to get out of bed every day and are missing your mum so much. I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. Most community members have sadly experienced the death of a loved one and so will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support. In the meantime, you may wish to look at these Sue Ryder resources which might be helpful.

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,

Hello Clairey1888
I lost my mum in August and feel the same as you do. I am in a similar situation, our cats keep us alive.
I just take each minute, hour and day as they come and cry whenever the wave hits me. I too hope it gets easier, but the love will always be there. Today is a small step for me, I am having a haircut ! Please try to treat yourself to some treat no matter if it’s just a walk, We are worth it. I am new to this but I am here for you whenever you want to reach out .

Hi @Clairey1888

I’m so sorry to hear about your Mum.

I too lost my lovely Mum the week before Christmas. The pain is indescribable and I agree the crying and emotion comes in waves. I have no children (I’m 44) but my amazing cocker spaniel Boris helps me to get out of bed and get a little fresh air, which helps.
Take each day as it comes, take your time, no one can tell you how you should be feeling.
No one truly understands until you have experienced it.
Try to take care of yourself. If you need a chat I’m happy to talk xx

Hi @Clairey1888
I am so sorry for your loss. The pain and emptiness when you lose your mum is truly horrific and no one could possibly know how feels until it happens to you.
I lost my mum on Mother’s Day last year. She had dementia, she deteriorated very quickly after Christmas and was gone by 10th March 24.
I was 41 when she died. I don’t have any siblings and I’m so heartbroken, lost, and I feel very alone. Grief knocks you off your feet, and affects you in ways you don’t truly understand.
My Westie, Bella is my comfort. She’s my shadow. She is, and along with my dad, are my comfort when things get tough.
Take care of yourself Claire. As best you can. Love Claire :heart: