Losing your other half

Been trying to find a way of explaining to other people how it feels to have lost my better half , my soulmate and how it is probably different to any other type of loss .
All I could come up with is , think of yourself as 2 halves a right and a left , then one is taken away , say the left one . Now you are told you need to get somewhere that is ahead of you on a road to the left , only as you now have no left side you cannot turn left only right , now what would have been so easy as a whole ( just go forward then turn left ) becomes a series of right hand turns until you finally get there . So any task even the simplest becomes so much harder when you have lost your other half .



100% agree there is no other loss like it. It literally feels like a part of you has died, like your soul is empty and I feel dead behind the eyes at times, I know that sounds dramatic but that’s how I feel. It’s like my identity has gone and I don’t know who I am anymore. I went to my parents today for father’s day but felt so anxious and like I was screaming inside. I was desperate to get home but when I got home I just thought why do I even want to be here. Griefs is so painful. When I first got in I’m sure I heard him say my name, so I paused and nothing. I dont know how much more I can take of these feelings.

know one will ever know what it feels like unless it has happened to them. Which hopefully it won’t as I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worse enemy :face_holding_back_tears: x


My partner passed away six weeks before Xmas we had been together for 30 years on Xmas eve I woke up and it hit me that for the first time in 30 years I’m now on my own I haven’t got any friends or family and the grief just overwhelmed me and I woke up two days later in the hospital.
I was transferred to the mental health hospital and kept in for a few days and then I was told that I was going to have grief counselling to help me cope
All I kept getting told was that in time things will get better but even now after nearly seven months I still miss the part of me that’s no longer here I don’t know who I am anymore every morning I say good morning to Ann
Everywhere we used to go I’m finding it hard to go on my own I visit Ann’s resting place every day and talk to her even though I know she can’t hear me but it helps me to get through the day the pain of loosing a loved one is something I would not wish on anyone
I’m still under the mental health team because I don’t have any family or friends and they said it will take a long time to accept what has happened and to just take it a day at a time until you have this happen you will never understand what it is like to loose a loved one


I get you , feel dead inside myself , no idea who I am without my wife .
Watching the Euros on the TV now and they were talking about Euro96 , I remember watching that in the pub with my mates , was about the same age as my son now ( 23 ) feels like a lifetime ago , yet less than 3 years later I met my wife to be and we were together ever since . No idea how I will ever get over this .


Hello, 7 months is still early days, it must be very hard to cope without support.

You should be proud of yourself that you’ve got this far.

It will get easier to bear, try to remember that you’d be strange if you felt any differently, you loved your partner & your grieving.

Could you approach tomorrow with what she would tell you to do if she could talk to you? Who’s to say she can’t hear you, use her strength & what she would want for you to spur you on.

Try a treat each day in memory of her.

You won’t always feel so bad, your partner is still with you, wanting the best for you, you just can’t see her :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Boo2

What a terrible time you have had. Thank you for sharing with us and well done for being so brave sharing your experience :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You do have friends, you have us :heart: xx

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It’s utter shite isn’t it. I had enough yesterday of thinking and managed to sleep untill now 3.45 am, I’m hoping today will will be a better day. We were together for 18 years, I met Andrew when I was 19 and it feels like yesterday that we met and it was over in a blink of an eye.

I don’t think we ever get over it but in time I do believe we find a way through this shit storm.

I met with a medium shortly after my Andrew passed and she said Andrew had told her to tell me not to loose my vibrancy, he loves me and will be my guide and strength amongst other things. I don’t think I’ll ever be who I was when we met and when I was with him. I’m now scrapping the barrel to what is left. I’m hoping the way I feel will soon pass, I’m usually more optimistic FFS sick to death of this crappy horror ride!

Hope today’s a better day for you xx