Losing your wife

I can imagine being in the military you would have certainly seen more than most.
I think losing a wife/husband/soulmate, is in a league of it’s own in terms of what it does to us. Our very core is shattered into a million pieces and it’s like a jigsaw trying to put it all back together. You live in 2 worlds concurrently backwards and forwards until you meet somewhere in the middle
Glad you found this site the people are so supportive and lovely. Take care x

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Thanks Lyn. You and others on this thread have given me some perspective,you are quite right,left and right are mixed up backwards and forwards are confusing,I hope we all find some peace.

Sounds like you had a wonderful marriage @Ron11 and a really special relationship with your wife.
It is so hard and painful - hope you have found some comfort in the support here - it is a really special place when you are struggling.
And so good to hear from someone @LynT who can give those of us still stuck in that dark tunnel a little bit of hope.
Hope you rest well this evening xx

So very sorry.

It is such an overwhelming loss.

This is a very kind and supportive site.

It is good that you have been able to tell us how you are feeling and we understand.

Grief includes so many emotions and we tackle it in our own time and ways.

I have read your posts and she sounds like a lovely, caring lady!

Take care.

You are in my thoughts,
